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Coillte unveils sustainable plan for lough key forest development

 Monday, July 1, 2024

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Coillte, the semi-state forestry company, in conjunction with Roscommon County Council, has unveiled plans to develop Lough Key Forest and Activity Park. This sustainable development plan, currently in the early stages of concept and design, aligns with Coillte’s strategy to establish more world-class visitor destinations in Ireland.

The project has secured €1.2 million from Fáilte Ireland’s Regenerative Tourism and Placemaking Scheme, co-funded by the EU and the Government of Ireland under the EU Just Transition Fund. This funding will support the creation of the development plan to enhance the visitor experience at Lough Key Forest and Activity Park.

Among the range of enhancements being considered are:

Lough Key Forest and Activity Park in County Roscommon spans 350 hectares of forest, semi-natural woodland, and parkland set against the stunning backdrop of Lough Key. The park already attracts thousands of visitors annually with its diverse offerings, including aerial forest adventures, electric bike trails, Boda Borg and Adventure Play Kingdom, kayaking, boat tours on the lake, and serene nature walks through the woodlands and forest.

Mark Carlin, MD Coillte Forest said, “This project is part of Coillte’s strategy to create more world class visitor destinations and increase recreation spaces nationally. Investment in enhancing the visitor experience at Lough Key Forest and Activity Park will encourage local, national and international visitors to stay longer and spend more in Co. Roscommon and Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands, driving economic and employment opportunities for local communities.”

“It is our intention that the same high-quality standard that we applied to the development of Beyond the Trees Avondale will be brought to this project. We envisage that the investment in enhancing the amenities and facilities will create a truly world class visitor destination for Co. Roscommon. We’re delighted to receive this funding from Fáilte Ireland which will be used to support our vision for Lough Key Forest and Activity Park.” Mark Carlin added further.

“As we develop the plan for the site, in conjunction with Roscommon County Council, we will seek the views of local stakeholders and communities, and there will be a number of opportunities to take feedback on board before we finalise the plans for the park.” Mark Carlin finally concluded.

Read more news on: Forestry, European woodworking industry, sustainability

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