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Felix Schoeller and EDPM jointly process anti-dumping investigation

 Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Felix Schoeller, along with other European decorative paper manufacturers, welcomes the European Commission’s decision to initiate an anti-dumping investigation into imports of decorative paper from China. This investigation, launched today in Brussels, follows a joint complaint by the Osnabrück-based specialty paper manufacturer and three other leading European decorative paper companies. Felix Schoeller firmly believes that this investigation is essential to prevent further significant harm to the European decorative paper industry and to maintain fair and healthy competition in the European market.

The complaint highlighted the harmful effects of distortions in the Chinese economy, which allow Chinese manufacturers to flood the EU market with decorative paper at unfair prices and cause significant damage to the EU industry. The four decorative paper manufacturers have underlined the urgent need for anti-dumping duties to restore a level playing field for all players in the industry.

“Open and fair competition is the basis for a functioning market economy. The development of our industry is based on these principles. We are deliberately using the possibility of an anti-dumping action at European Commission level to have all market participants’ compliance with these principles verified,” said Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp, ​​CEO Felix Schoeller.

Decorative paper is essential for achieving high-quality finishes on wood-based materials such as furniture surfaces, flooring, and panels, as well as various applications in interior design, renovation, and construction. This material is pivotal in producing durable consumer goods that often last over 20 years. The European decorative paper industry, with manufacturers in seven Member States, produces approximately 390,000 tonnes annually. Moreover, this industry supports thousands of jobs across Europe, including local employment opportunities for artisans in rural areas.

Felix Schoeller supports targeted trade policy measures aimed at protecting the interests of the European industry while ensuring supply stability and the competitiveness of downstream users for the benefit of consumers. Felix Schoeller pledges to continue to work closely with the European Commission. The investigation is an essential tool to ensure a fair and competitive trading environment for the decorative paper industry in Europe.

Read more news on: Felix Schoeller, decorative paper, interior design, surface, flooring

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