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Jowat revolutionises safety with first VOC-Free primer for window profile wrapping

 Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Effective occupational safety is more important than ever before. Healthy and happy employees are now seen as a key to sustainable manufacturing processes. Recognizing this, Jowat SE has set a new benchmark with Jowat® 406.85, the first VOC-free primer for plastic profile wrapping. Processed with traditional felt applicators or vacuum systems, Jowat® 406.85 ensures excellent results while significantly improving occupational safety.

Jowat® 406.85 not only enhances safety but also boasts technical characteristics that make it an ideal primer for all application technologies. Its innovative formulation facilitates safe application, high-quality results, and production efficiency. This breakthrough primer is VOC-, NEP-, and NOP-free, as per Safety Data Sheet (SDS) standards. It offers good drying characteristics, a strong cleaning effect, and low odor, making it a versatile and efficient choice for manufacturers.

The primer’s RAL-GZ 716 approval, in combination with Jowat adhesives for window profile wrapping, ensures it meets various local regulations and requirements, making it suitable for global use. This compliance underscores Jowat’s commitment to delivering safe and effective products that can be utilized worldwide.

Jowat SE’s global product manager, Maik Johanntoberens, highlighted the benefits: “The new VOC-free primer Jowat® 406.85, together with the established PUR hot melt adhesive Jowatherm-Reaktant® MR 604.90 with hazard-free labeling, leaves nothing to be desired. The twin pack facilitates occupational safety at the highest level in profile wrapping.”

The Jowatherm-Reaktant® MR 604.90 is a PUR hot melt adhesive known for its high performance and hazard-free labeling, further complementing the Jowat® 406.85 primer. Together, they provide a comprehensive solution for safer and more efficient profile wrapping processes.

Jowat ‘s introduction of Jowat ® 406.85 marks a significant step forward in rethinking occupational safety. By offering a VOC-free, efficient, and high-quality primer, Jowat continues to lead the way in sustainable manufacturing practices. This new product underscores the importance of protecting workers’ health while maintaining the highest standards of production.

For manufacturers seeking to enhance both safety and efficiency, Jowat® 406.85 represents the future of safe, sustainable, and effective profile wrapping solutions.

Read more news on Jowat.

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