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Kastamonu Entegre announces a $70 million investment in renewable energy

 Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Kastamonu Entegre

Kastamonu Entegre, a leading global brand in the wood-based panel industry, is advancing its commitment to sustainability with substantial investments in renewable energy. By focusing on recyclable materials, biobased products, and renewable energy, the corporation plans to generate 273 thousand MWh of energy per year by the end of 2024 through biomass and solar power plants located in Kastamonu, Balıkesir, Adana, Samsun, and Gebze.

With a total investment of $70 million, comprising $50 million by the end of 2023 and an additional $20 million in 2024, Kastamonu Entegre’s energy production will meet the annual electricity needs of 100 thousand homes. These efforts will also prevent 140 thousand tonnes of carbon emissions per year. The company has set a long-term strategy to increase its investments in renewable energy to $170 million by the end of 2026, aiming to meet 65% of its energy demand through these initiatives.

Kastamonu Entegre’s sustainability practices are recognized both nationally and internationally. As the only Turkish company involved in the bio-based industrial initiative by the European Commission, Kastamonu Entegre undertakes numerous projects to minimize resource usage, activate waste recycling, and significantly reduce carbon emissions and environmental impacts from manufacturing processes.

In Italy, the company achieves 100% recycled manufacturing, while its Adana plant operates as a self-powered factory. The plants in Adana, Kastamonu, and Samsun generate their own electricity with Solar Power Plants installed on their roofs. Additionally, the conversion of diesel-fueled lift trucks to electric ones has reduced energy costs and taken a critical step toward eliminating carbon emissions from diesel fuel usage.

Awarded the “Energy Efficiency” prize at the 9th Efficiency Project Awards Ceremony held by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Kastamonu Entegre continues to enhance its sustainability approach. The company is committed to increasing the recycling rate at all its manufacturing sites, further solidifying its role as a leader in the renewable energy sector.

Kastamonu Entegre’s forward-thinking initiatives exemplify the potential for significant environmental and economic benefits through sustainable practices in the wood-based panel industry.

Read more news on Kastamonu Entegre.

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