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Minimax MXOne – The greatest Firefighting Turbine offers ultimate innovation

 Monday, July 1, 2024

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Minimax MXOne – The greatest Firefighting Turbine offers ultimate innovation

The Minimax MXOne high-per­form­ance fire­fight­ing tur­bine rep­res­ents a new gen­er­a­tion of sta­tion­ary fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems. This unique sys­tem has a 360° op­er­at­ing range and en­ables the highly pre­cise, tar­geted use of water mist from a safe and great dis­tance.

With full jet, it reaches a dis­charge range of up to 80m. Dur­ing a fire, the water mist ab­sorbs a huge amount of en­ergy, cools par­tic­u­larly ef­fect­ively and reaches hid­den fire sources due to the three-di­men­sional mode of ac­tion. It binds smoke gas, pol­lut­ants and odours and can quickly de­velop its ef­fect over large areas without, like clas­sic mon­it­ors with their fo­cused jets, dis­pers­ing burn­ing ma­ter­ial and pos­sibly con­trib­ut­ing to the spread of fire.

The great news is that, in November 2023, Minimax France has achieved “Oscar de la Sécurité” in the cat­egory “In­nov­a­tion” for the MXOne Fire­fight­ing Tur­bine.

Advantages of MXOne at a glance:


With MXOne, broadband risk scenarios can be effectively managed using various extinguishing media. The extinguishing turbine can operate with both potable and salt water, with or without a foam agent. The spray patterns range from a fine water mist to a full jet. This high-performance extinguishing system can achieve a throughput of up to 4,000 liters per minute and has a throw distance of up to 80 meters.

Due to the flex­ib­il­ity in the use of dif­fer­ent ex­tin­guish­ing media and the con­vin­cing per­form­ance data, MXOne is suit­able for use for sup­port­ing fire pro­tec­tion in nu­mer­ous branches of in­dustry. Wherever fires need to be fought ef­fi­ciently with pin­point ac­cur­acy and from a great dis­tance, the high-per­form­ance ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem can make a de­cis­ive con­tri­bu­tion to cor­por­ate safety.

Read more news on: Minimax, fire protection, recycling, energy industry, wood processing

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