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What to know about unseasoned timber for construction?

 Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Unseasoned Timber_construction

Unseasoned timber, also known as green timber, is wood that has been recently cut and not yet dried. While it offers certain benefits for DIY projects, such as being easier to work with due to its moisture content, it also presents unique challenges. So, if you are thinking of outdoor DIY project, go green and choose unseasoned timber next time. Seasoned timber generally contains moisture specifically for South-East Queensland, ranges from 10% to 15%.

It is important to understand how the moisture content of timber affects the outcome of your project.

How moisture affects timber?

Green timber will continue to expand and contract with slight changes in moisture content. You may have noticed this during humid summer months when a timber door becomes difficult to open or close. This happens because the timber absorbs moisture from the air, causing it to expand and no longer fit neatly into its frame.

Different species contain different moisture contents when green. For example, Red Ironbark has a moisture content of 27% when green compared to Manna Gum which has a moisture content of 100% when green. The flexibility of unseasoned timber depends on its structure, and whether water can move freely within the timber. More saturated green timber species are more difficult to dry completely and may still expand or contract slightly even once seasoned.

When you should not use unseasoned timber?

DIY projects that require stability, such as furniture or flooring, are not suitable for unseasoned timber. Furniture can become wobbly as the timber dries and contracts, while flooring may warp if the timber absorbs moisture and expands.

Predicting the movement of green timber can be challenging. However, unseasoned timber is well-suited for various outdoor applications, where its natural qualities can be showcased and it can interact seamlessly with the surrounding environment.

When to use unseasoned timber?

On a grand scale, unseasoned timber is a great material to use for building frames. Strong, green timber provides a solid frame. Yet the ability of the frame to expand and contract allows the building to settle onto its own weight and settle into environmental conditions without loss of integrity.

Unseasoned timber is an excellent choice for sleepers, such as for a kids’ sandbox or a garden plot. Green timber has not encountered any chemicals, it provides a safe sleeper for close interaction with your family and your food.

Unseasoned timber’s flexibility will adapt as the ground surrounding it morphs with the seasonal weather, keeping a solid sleeper intact.

Source: Narangba Timbers Australia

Read more news on: Timber industry, timber construction, woodworking, flooring, sanding, drying

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